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Residential Garbage


Transfer Site Manager




 Can this be recycled? 

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The Transfer Site is essential and is open on Saturdays.

We ask that you to practice social distancing while there.

Town of Ledyard
Transfer Site Rules-October, 2022

1)    Tin cans, glass bottles, plastic food containers and bottles, aluminum foil and paper and newspaper all go into the comingles container on the left side of the recycling building. All containers must be clean!

2)    Styrofoam is NOT recyclable. It must go into the garbage container.

3)    Cardboard and paper board go into the cardboard container on the right side of the recycling building. All cardboard must be broken down and flattened before going into the container. Please do not put boxes full of cardboard into the container. Dump the cardboard out of the box and then flatten that box as well. Please do not put any packing material into the container.

4)    Scrap metal can go into the big container at the east end of the lot. We cannot accept any appliances that have ever had freon or any other coolant in them. This includes freezers, refrigerators, dehumidifiers and air conditioners. We can accept washers, dryers, metal microwaves and dish washers.

5)    Any brush less that 4 inches in diameter can go onto the burn pile. The burn pile is for brush only. We cannot and will not accept any furniture or treated lumber. Untreated lumber such as pallets can be accepted.

6)    Yard waste can be put on the compost pile in front of the manager’s building.

Disposal of Garbage

1)    All garbage tags must be tagged. Tags are $3.00 each and can be purchased at the site, at the town hall during business hours and at Wilcox General Store.

2)    All garbage bags must be free of recyclables

3)    All garbage bags must weigh less than 35 pounds. Since we have no scales please use your own judgement as to how much they weigh, but if I see that it takes more than one person to put the bag in the packer then I will question you and charge you for an extra tag.

4)    All garbage goes into the packer.

5)    No electronics of any kind can be disposed of at our site. This includes televisions, computers, printers and any other electronic device. Cayuga County usually has at least one electronics clean up day in Auburn. I will notify you when I hear of one.

6)    No tires of any size are accepted at the site. Again,  the county usually has at least one tire recycling program per year.

Traffic Rules

1)    All traffic should enter from the right and travel in a counter-clockwise direction around the facility. Please pack your car so that your recycling can be unloaded first and then proceed to the packer. 

2)    Please do not park directly in front of the recycling building. It makes it difficult for other people to do their recycling. 

3)    Please do not block traffic. Always make sure there is enough room for a vehicle to get around you. 

4)    If you want to socialize (which we encourage) please pull your vehicles to the side so others may pass through the facility. If you have any questions about any particular item please contact the facility manager.           


Additional Information

Hours of operation
First Saturday in October until the first Saturday in May-8:00 AM until 2:00 PM
First Saturday in May until the first Saturday in October-7:00 AM until 1:00 PM


Clean-up day
1)    Clean-up day is held once a year in July. It is always the weekend before the Route 90 Garage Sale.
2)    Old furniture, wood products and just plain junk that we normally can’t take will be taken that day. 
3)    Unfortunately we still cannot take freon products, tires or electronics.
4)    We encourage people not to bring more than one truck load per person. We only have so much room for trash that day and we want to be able to give everyone a fair chance. 
5)    The facility does not provide any equipment or manpower to help unload your vehicle. Please be sure to come prepared with enough help to get you unloaded. 
6)    PLEASE-we are not a swap shop. Please don’t bring something in with the idea that somebody else may want it. We don’t have the time or space to do this.

Email List

   I have an email list for users of the site. This way I can contact you about any special events or time changes or other events at the site. If you aren’t on the list and would like to be included please stop by and give me your information. This contact list is for site customers only and I will not give your information out to anybody else.


Please take time to read and understand the simple rules. It will make your visit to the site easier and more enjoyable. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me at my email address or simply come in and talk to me. People tell me I’m a pretty informative and friendly guy to talk to. 


See you at the site,
Bill Nivison, 
Transfer Site Manager


© 2021

 Town Of Ledyard

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